Monday, May 11, 2009

On the road AGAIN!

On the road yet again to San Antonio, Texas. We have been driving now for about 5 1/2 hours and the kids are doing great. It is nasty rainy and people don't know how to drive in the rain. Anyway, we had a good time at home. Couldn't do enough in my flowerbeds because of the non-stop rain. As soon as I got home though I was greeted with beautiful azalea's and 1 rose. I love coming home to surprises. Anyway, we did lots of fun things. I had a night out without kids which all mommies need once a month, at least, with my good friend Stefanie who is also a stay home mom. We went to a fundraiser at St. Anthony's hospital. It was a lot of fun. Stefanie and I spent a lot of time together taking the kids to Chick-fil-a, JumpZone, and just letting them play in the yard. I also had a tupperware party which was a lot of fun. And oh before I forget, Parker at 6months got his first kiss from an older woman. Stefanie's little girl Abigail is 13 months and she kissed his right on the lips and he loved it. I will have pics of the event on here soon. That about sums it up. Oh I forgot, Mother's Day was Sunday and I got beautiful pink roses and a funny yet sweet card. Well will post more later stopping to stretch.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter and Mason's Birthday Party in Arkansas

Hello again. We are still in Arkansas and busy as ever. It has been Easter this last weekend and it was crazy hectic as always with 3 kids. Emma said so many funny things but the thing that sticks out the most is well here goes....Mason has a new hairdo, a mohawk but it is really a fohawk, anyway Emma was sitting at the table for supper and we are getting ready for evening mass she asks "Momma are you going to give Mason a mostache tonight?" Joe and I rolled because she just is so smart and she notices everything. She laughed too when we corrected her. Mason is big into John Deere tractors. For his birthday party on this last Friday he got a big tractor although it wasn't John Deere it was a CAT with a digger on the back. He also got more John Deere tractors big and small along with lots of tools. He had a great birthday. If only this big 3 year old would quit wearing pullups at night. We have tried everything....bribing, giving money for dry nights...candy...everything. One day maybe I will figure it out. Well thats all for now. last note Parker is rolling over more and is walking in a walker now. He is such a big boy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

San Antonio, TX

Well to start off a little bit about my family: let see my husband Joey and I have been married for 6 1/2 years and we have 3 beautiful children. Emma is 4, Mason is 3, and Joseph "Parker" is 5 mos. We live in Arkansas but Joe works for a company called Koontz Electric Co. based out of Morrilton, AR but with his job includes traveling to where ever the work is. We have been to San Antonio back in 2004, New Mexico from 2005-2007, and now we are in San Antonio, TX again. We have been here since the end of Jan. but going home every once in awhile. Although I miss my house and my yard and well all my family, I am beginning to love SA, TX. I have great new friends all from going to the park one day and asking if my kids could join in on their soccer game. Now I have an abundance of soccer/stay-home moms that are now great friends. I also met another friend at Chick-fil-A. Anyone who knows me knows I love my Family and God first and foremost and know that everything else that is in my life is an added blessing. I am a stay home mom and have been since the birth of Emma. My kids are amazing and I have a very passionate and loving husband. I learn from my kids everyday. This is just a little bit about my world.